Hi everyone, I’m Shenoah Grove and I’m one of the investors here at Hippie Hollow Homes. One of the things that we pride ourselves on is helping homeowners in the Austin, Texas area sell their houses quickly.
Sometimes you don’t have time to wait…you don’t have the luxury of time. Being fast is what we specialize in.
Since 2004, Hippie Hollow Homes has participated in more than 1,200 real estate transactions using a variety of different ways to sell houses. As a Realtor, I can help you sell your house the conventional way. As an investor, I can help you sell your house using several different ‘out of the box’ unconventional strategies.
If you contact me today at 512-853-9522, we come to your house, we sign a contract with you, and in many cases, in as little as two days, we can be at the title company at the closing table exchanging money and signing papers.
Then your problem of selling your house fast in Austin, Texas would be completely solved.
At Hippie Hollow Homes, we understand how to buy and sell homes. We know time frames, processes, and how to close deals quickly.
Many times distressed home owners in Austin, Texas, find themselves on the foreclosure list with auction coming soon. They’ve tried Plan A, B, and C and nothing has worked. Let me be your plan next. If nothing else has worked, try me and see what I can do for you.
Regardless of your situation, we’ve experienced it before. We can help you. Contact us today: http://hippiehollowho.wpengine.com/sell-your-house-today/
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