One common question that I receive from sellers is ‘What is the MLS?”
The MLS is the Multiple Listings Service and is a national database that is created and maintained by Licensed Realtors to help their clients buy and sell real estate. For home sellers in Austin, Texas, this means that your houses details get listed on the MLS so other Realtors with buyers looking for a house like yours can quickly and easily find them.
Another question that I get asked alot is ‘Do you have access to the MLS?’
I get asked this question frequently because I generally solve sellers’ problems in an unconventional manner, using strategies that best fit the needs of the sellers rather than a strategy that is convenient for a Realtor. But I am, in fact, a licensed Realtor in the great state of Texas, and I do have access to the MLS.
Discover more benefits of working with a multiple listing service in this infographic.
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